شعرعقاب The Eagle

 شاهکاری ادبی از دکتر پرویز ناتل خانلری

1914 - 1991

Dr. Parviz Natel Khanlary's famous poem of the Eagle (in Persian: Oghaab)


گشت غمناك دل و جان عقاب
چو ازو دور شد ایام شباب

دید كش دور به انجام رسید
آفتابش به لب بام رسید

باید از هستی دل بر گیرد
ره سوی كشور دیگر گیرد

خواست تا چاره ی ناچار كند
دارویی جوید و در كار كند

صبحگاهی ز پی چاره ی كار
گشت برباد سبك سیر سوار

گله كاهنگ چرا داشت به دشت
ناگه ا ز وحشت پر ولوله گشت

وان شبان ، بیم زده ، دل نگران
شد پی بره ی نوزاد دوان

كبك ، در دامن خار ی آویخت
مار پیچید و به سوراخ گریخت

آهو استاد و نگه كرد و رمید
دشت را خط غباری بكشید

لیك صیاد سر دیگر داشت
صید را فارغ و آزاد گذاشت

چاره ی مرگ ، نه كاریست حقیر
زنده را فارغ و آزاد گذاشت

صید هر روزه به چنگ آمد زود
مگر آن روز كه صیاد نبود

آشیان داشت بر آن دامن دشت
زاغكی زشت و بد اندام و پلشت

سنگ ها از كف طفان خورده
جان ز صد گونه بلا در برده

سا له ها زیسته افزون ز شمار
شكم آكنده ز گند و مردار

بر سر شاخ و را دید عقاب
ز آسمان سوی زمین شد به شتاب

گفت كه: ای دیده ز ما بس بیداد
با تو امروز مرا كار افتاد

مشكلی دارم اگر بگشایی
بكنم آن چه تو می فرمایی

گفت: ما بنده ی در گاه توییم
تا كه هستیم هوا خواه تو ییم

بنده آماده بود ، فرمان چیست ؟
جان به راه تو سپارم ، جان چیست ؟

دل ، چو در خدمت توشاد كنم
ننگم آید كه ز جان یاد كنم

این همه گفت ولی با دل خویش
گفت و گویی دگر آورد به پیش

كاین ستمكار قوی پنجه ، كنون
از نیاز است چنین زار و زبون

لیك نا گه چو غضبناك شود
زو حساب من و جان پاك شود

دوستی را چو نباشد بنیاد
حزم را باید از دست نداد

در دل خویش چو این رای گزید
پر زد و دور ترك جای گزید

زار و افسرده چنین گفت عقاب
كه :مرا عمر ، حبابی است بر آب

راست است این كه مرا تیز پر است
لیك پرواز زمان تیز تر است

من گذشتم به شتاب از در و دشت
به شتاب ایام از من بگذشت

گر چه از عمر ،‌دل سیری نیست
مرگ می آید و تدبیری نیست

من و این شهپر و این شوكت و جاه
عمرم از چیست بدین حد كوتاه؟

تو بدین قامت و بال ناساز
به چه فن یافته ای عمر دراز ؟

پدرم نیز به تو دست نیافت
تا به منزلگه جاوید شتافت

لیك هنگام دم باز پسین
چون تو بر شاخ شدی جایگزین

از سر حسرت بامن فرمود
كاین همان زاغ پلید است كه بود

عمر من نیز به یغما رفته است
یك گل از صد گل تو نشكفته است

چیست سرمایه ی این عمر دراز ؟
رازی این جاست،تو بگشا این راز

زاغ گفت : ار تو در این تدبیری
عهد كن تا سخنم بپذیری

عمرتان گر كه پذیرد كم و كاست
رگری را چه گنه ؟ كاین ز شماست

ز آسمان هیچ نیایید فرود
آخر ا زاین همه پرواز چه سود ؟

پدر من كه پس ا زسیصد و اند
كان اندرز بد و دانش و پند

بارها گفت كه برچرخ اثیر
بادها راست فراوان تاثیر

بادها كز زبر خاك و زند
تن و جان را نر سانند گزند

هر چه ا ز خاك ، شوی بالاتر
باد را بیش گزند ست و ضرر

تا بدانجا كه بر اوج افلاك
آیت مرگ بود ، پیك هلاك

ما از آن ، سال بسی یافته ایم
كز بلندی ،‌رخ برتافته ایم

زاغ را میل كند دل به نشیب
عمر بسیارش ار گشته نصیب

دیگر این خاصیت مردار است
عمر مردار خوران بسیار است

گند و مردار بهین درمان ست
چاره ی رنج تو زان آسان ست

خیز و زین بیش، ‌ره چرخ مپوی
طعمه ی خویش بر افلاك مجوی

ناودان ، جایگهی سخت نكوست
به از آن كنج حیاط و لب جوست

من كه صد نكته ی نیكو دانم
راه هر بر زن و هر كو دانم

خانه ، اندر پس باغی دارم
وندر آن گوشه سراغی دارم

خوان گسترده الوانی هست
خوردنی های فراوانی هست

آن چه ز آن زاغ چنین داد سراغ
گندزاری بود اندر پس باغ

بوی بد ، رفته ا زآن ، تا ره دور
معدن  پشه ، مقام زنبور

نفرتش گشته بلای دل و جان
سوزش و كوری دو دیده از آن

آن دو همراه رسیدند از راه
زاغ بر سفره ی خود كرد نگاه

گفت: خوانی كه چنین الوان ست
لایق محضر این مهمان ست

می كنم شكر كه درویش نیم
خجل از ما حضر خویش نیم

گفت و بشنود و بخورد از آن گند
تا بیاموزد از او مهمان پند

عمر در اوج فلك بر ده به سر
دم زده در نفس باد سحر

ابر رادیده به زیر پر خویش
حیوان راهمه فرمانبر خویش

بارها آمده شادان ز سفر
به رهش بسته فلك طاق ظفر

سینه ی كبك و تذرو و تیهو
تازه و گرم شده طعمه ی او

اینك افتاده بر این لاشه و گند
باید از زاغ بیاموزد پند

بوی گندش دل و جان تافته بود
حال بیماری دق یافته بود

دلش از نفرت و بیزاری ، ریش
گیج شد ، بست دمی دیده ی خویش

یادش آمد كه بر آن اوج سپهر
هست پیروزی و زیبایی و مهر

فر و آزادی و فتح و ظفرست
نفس خرم باد سحرست

دیده بگشود به هر سو نگریست
دید گردش اثری زین ها نیست

آن چه بود از همه سو خواری بود
وحشت و نفرت و بیزاری بود

بال بر هم زد و بر جست از جا
گفت : كه ای یار ببخشای مرا

سال ها باش و بدین عیش بناز
تو و مردار تو و عمر دراز

من نیم در خور این مهمانی
گند و مردار تو را ارزانی

گر در اوج فلكم باید مرد
عمر در گند به سر نتوان برد

شهپر شاه هوا ، اوج گرفت
زاغ را دیده بر او مانده شگفت

سوی بالا شد و بالاتر شد
راست با مهر فلك ، همسر شد

لحظه‎ یی چند بر این لوح كبود
نقطه ‎یی بود و سپس هیچ نبود

[Taraneh (Khanlary’s daughter) told me that during the last days in the hospital her father often appeared to be conversing with the great masters he had spent his life reading and studying. At some point a visitor put an absurd question to him: “How old are you, Dr. Khanlary?” He smiled through his closed eyes. “Two thousand five hundred years old,” he said. It was a quintessential Khanlary reply: part inside joke, part absolute truth]: Sima.



[If there were only two persons who played a very significant role to introduce and to propagate the Persian Literature and Culture in this present world, one of those persons for sure would be Parviz Natel Khanlary]: Mohammad Jafar Mahjoob.


Parviz Natel Khanlary was born in Tehran in 1914. He was the son of Abolhassan Khanlary Etessamolmolk from the region of Natel located in the Noor (Nour or Nur) county of Mazandaran, a Caspian province in the north of Iran. Abolhassan Khanlary was an officer in the Ministry of Justice (in Persian: Vezaarat-e-Daadgosstari or Adlieh). Some reports also reveal that he worked as an officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in Persian: Vezaarat-e-Omoor-e Khaarejeh). The mother of Parviz was Salimeh Kaardaar who was a cousin (in Persian: Dokhtar Khaaleh) to poet NimaYooshij Esfandiari . NimaYooshij (1896-1960), born as Ali Esfandiari, was an Iranian poet who started the style of Modern Poetry or Sher-e-no, aka Nimaii Poetry or Sher-e-Nimaii. It is documented that PNK firstly attended Iranian school of Darolfonoon, French school of Saint Louis, and American School in Tehran, Iran. Upon the completion of high-school education he was already a master in many foreign languages such as French, English, Russian, etc. PNK was then graduated from Tehran University with a doctorate degree in Persian Literature. He married to his fellow-student Zahra Keya who was the grandchild (in Persian: Naveh) of Shaikh Fazlolah Noori. he was an Iranian Muslim cleric who strongly opposed the Constitutional Revolution of Iran (1905-1911) and was executed for his opposition. According to Azar Nafisi, Shaikh Fazlolah Noori considered as a mentor to Ruhollah Khomeini, issued religious decree (in Persian: Fatwa) against the public education of women during the Constitutional Revolution. It should be noted that neither Parviz Natel Khanlary nor Zahra Keya followed in the footstep of Shaikh Fazlolah Noori..

The products of the marriage of PNK and Zahra Keya were a son named Armaan, and a daughter called Taraneh. Later, Armaan died due to cancer. Taraneh, the daughter, studied Architecture and she now lives in Paris, France.

For a short time PNK taught in the high-schools of Rasht, the capital city of Gilan province in the north of Iran. He also taught in some high-schools in Tehran. PNK was then appointed as the Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature at TU. In 1949, while keeping his position at Tehran University, he attended Paris University in France and studied linguistics. Upon his return to Iran he was promoted as the Professor in Persian Language and Literature at TU. He also traveled to Tajikistan in 1956 and to India in1978.



HIS WORKS: Professional and literary contributions of PNK may be classified in several categories. First and foremost, he held some of the highest positions in the Iranian government between 1960 and 1979. Early in his career, he was the Governor (in Persian: Ostandaar) of Azarbaijan province in north-western Iran. During 1962-1964, when Amir Assadollah Alam (1919-1978) was the prime minister of Iran, PNK served first as the Deputy Prime Minister and later as the Minister of Culture (in Persian: Vezaarat-e-Farhang). He served as the representative of Mazandaran in four sessions of the Senate of the Iranian Parliament. He was also the Director of the Shahnameh Foundation and of the Iranian Cultural Foundation (in Persian: Bonyyad-e Farhang-e Iran). His efforts were instrumental in the establishment and operation of the Iran Academy of Arts and Literature of Iran, the Franklin Institute, and other similar organizations.

The early works of PNK consisted of both prose and verses. His first contribution appeared in the Iranian Journal of Eghdaam (also spelled as Iqdam) in 1931. The editor-in-chief of that Journal was late Abbas Khalili, the father of contemporary Iranian poetess Seemin Behbahani. This was followed by research in major studies in Persian poetry, linguistics, and the history of Iran both before and after the year of 642 when Iran became a part of Muslim World. In 1932, he translated the Daughter of the Captain (in Persian: Dokhtar-e Sarvan) from French. Like his study of poetry and linguistics, this too led to a series of wonderful and needed translations of European works into Persian. These include translations from the works of Russian writer Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, German poet Rainer Maria Rilke, American archaeologist and historian of Persian Art Arthur Upham Pope, and others.

Possibly the most unique contribution of PNK is his editorship of the monthly Cultural Magazine of Expressing (in Persian: Sokhan) to which a group of Iranian scholars and poets such as Iraj Afshar, Nader Naderpour, Ehsan Yarshater, and many others contributed. Iranian researcher Iraj Bashiri wrote that the magazine of Sokhan, which lasted, with some interruption, for some 35 years (1944-1979) has provided the scholars in Iranian studies a most useful tool for the study of aspects of the Iranian scene.


HIS PUBLICATIONS: Psychology (Ravaan Shenassi, 1937), Poetical Research (Tahghigh dar Orooz va Ghaafieh, 1958), Rhythm in Persian Poetry (Vazn dar Sher-e Farsi, 1958), On Persian Language (Darbareh-e Zabaan-e Farsi, 1961), Linguistics and the Persian Language (Zabaan Shenassi va Zabaan-e Farsi, 1964), Culture and Society (Farhang va Ejtemaa, 1966), Poetry and Art (Sher va Honar, 1966), The History of Art (Tarikh-e Honar), The Last Visit (Aakharin Didaar), Psychology and the Principles of Training (Ravaan Shenassi va Ossol-e Parvaresh), New Method to Teach Persian Grammar (Ravesh-e Taazeh-e Tadriss-e Dastoor-e Zabaan-e Farsi), Poetical Anthology of Moon in Lagoon (Majmoeh Sher-e Maah da Modaab, 1964), Edition of Yooef va Zolaikhaa, Edition of Chaahar Maghaaleh, Edition of Rostam va Sohraab, Edition of Samak-e Ayyar, Edition of Safarnameh-e Naaser Khosrow, Translation of Tristan and Isolde, Translation of the Daughter of Captain (Author: Pushkin), Translation of Some Letters to a Young Poet (Author: Rilke), Translation of the Masterpieces of Persian Art (Author: Pope), Cultural Magazine of Expressing (Majaleh-e Sokhan, 1944-1979), Edition of Lyrics by Hafez (Esslahaat bar Ghazaliat-e Divan-e Hafez, 1984).


HIS END: In 1979, when Ruhollah Khomaini took over, Parviz Natel Khanlary  was arrested because he had worked as the Minister of Culture in one of the cabinets in the previous regime of Iran, and he was sadly imprisoned for four months. He was then home-bounded until he died. It is documented that, “He did not abandon work during his home-bound years. The Hafez he edited during this time set a daunting standard of scholarship and taste”. At 77, sick and poor, he died in 1991.